Syphilis - Annual Epidemiological Report for 2017

Scientific and technical publications
Publication series: Annual Epidemiological Report
Time period covered: This report is based on data for 2017 retrieved from The European Surveillance System (TESSy) on 29 November 2018.

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Syphilis. In: ECDC. Annual epidemiological report for 2017. Stockholm: ECDC; 2019.

In 2017, 33 189 confirmed syphilis cases were reported in 28 EU/EEA Member States. Reported syphilis rates were nine times higher in men than in women and peaked among 25–34-year-old men. Two-thirds of syphilis cases with information on transmission category were reported in men who have sex with men (MSM). The trend in syphilis rates has been on the rise since 2011, particularly among men, mainly due to an increase in the number of cases among MSM. The slight increase of syphilis rates among women, seen already in 2016, continued in 2017.


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